Thursday, March 25, 2010

Infidelity And Armageddon

You scratch my blog, I’ll scratch your yours – over at Sweet Sinner Gwen’s (nice title – sounds like a Marc Almond song), I’m engaged in a discussion with my newest follower (I now have a total of three, which means my goal of making this blog Bigger Than Jesus still has a way to go) about monogamy, infidelity and open marriages. It’s far more interesting than the mundane bitching you’ll find on here, so head on over and join in the fun.
Meanwhile, I bumped into an ice sculptor called Steve the other day at Café Caribou in Bethesda. He told me he’s working on an educational video for YouTube that will use a slab of butter and a chunk of ice to explain how the Arctic Circle’s ice is thawing from within, and that global warming is happening much quicker than we think. Basically, we’ve two more years before the floods come and we head to hell or the hills, depending on our preferred destination. It fair cheered me up.
After he’d outlined the coming collapse of society, we chatted about my career as a football writer. His parting words: “Enjoy the World Cup – it’ll be the last one.” Good news for the winners, though – they’ll be eternal World Champions.


Gorilla Bananas said...

It's not all bad news though. Aubrey de Grey thinks the ageing process can be stopped.

sweetsinnergwen said...

Is he in cahoots with John Boehner?

Ian Plenderleith said...

I like the way he makes his case by trying to look like a 150-year-old hermit (Aubrey de Grey, not John Boehner). Stunning logic in his opening argument: "You think malaria's a bad thing, because it kills people, so you must be against aging because it kills people too." It's going to change the whole way we go about job interviews, for sure. "So, where do you see yourself 250 years from now?"

No Good Boyo said...

Your blog's sprouting wings, Pop. Soon every adulterous housewife will flock here for top music tips, apocalyptic dairy-product performance art and footie developments Cheers!

Ian Plenderleith said...

It's only a matter of time before my signature pic is an artistic, neck-down snapshot of me exhibiting my meat and onions. If only I had one taken 20 years ago.

Jackson Duin said...

But Ian, you must not have heard. Some East Anglia emails were hacked, ergo, catastrophic climate change is not happening. Even though we can see that it is.

It is bad, and it is coming, but not even James Hansen thinks it is coming as soon as the gentleman you spoke to thinks it is.