In those few seconds of panicked entrapment the profound inanity of the lyrics struck me: “I don’t believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now.” That’s less a heartfelt, melody-encoded entreaty and more like a desperate, whiny plea on his knees, a clumsy call for mercy that any good woman would meet with a deft swing of the right boot to the odious, gutter-sucking singer’s miserable maw. I’ve no idea why it’s taken me 15 years to realise why I hate this song. Perhaps it was the proximity of the bog and the sound of waste water being flushed to oblivion. Ah, that’s better – now I feel culturally purged.
I hate Oasis. Wonderwall was dealt with by these jolly Scousers:
I hate Oasis too.
Expecting the lyrics to be good was judging the song by impossibly high standards. 'Is it good music to shit to?' is the question I would have asked myself.
you're hilarious.
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